“Ағылшын тілін оқыту әдістемесі” пәні бойынша


  1. Methods of foreign language teaching covers three main problems:
  2. aims of teaching a foreign language
  3. content of teaching,i.e. what to teach to attain the aims
    c. methods and techniques of teaching, i.e. how to teach a foreign language
  4. the grammar phenomena
  5. the traditional grammar
  6. the similar phenomena
  7. the hearing, speaking
  8. the grammar method


  1. Methods of foreign language teaching is closely related to other sciences such as:
  2. pedagogic
  3. psychology
    c. linguistics
  4. the grammar phenomena
  5. the content of teaching,
  6. the methods and techniques of teaching
  7. the ability to do something well
  8. the how a teacher and pupils react each other


  1. In foreign language teaching the teacher forms and develops in pupils
  2. pronunciation habits
  3. grammar habits
  4. lexical habits
  5. the ability to do something well
  6. the pedagogic
  7. the synthetic
  8. the analytic method
    h. the deductive


  1. skill is…
  2. the ability to do something well
  3. the pupil’s ability to use the target language for communicative needs
    c. the language skill is listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing
  4. post-test
  5. quiz
  6. control work
  7. dictation
  8. how the child does this or that exercise


  1. Research in Methods usually begins with observation of what is going on in the classroom. For instance:
  2. how a teacher and pupils react each other
  3. how pupils read, understand the teacher, speak, or write.
    c. what mistakes pupils make in speaking, reading, or writing.
  4. a post-test
  5. a dictation
  6. a descriptive deals with
  7. a distributes a questionnaire
  8. a analytic method


  1. Talks with teachers and pupils with the purpose of finding out something is also used in research in Methods. For instance, a research worker wants to know :
  2. how much time the pupil works at his English in the laboratory.
  3. how the child does this or that exercise.
    c. how the teacher individualizes teaching.
  4. the synthetic
  5. the analytic method
    f. the deductive method
  6. the Amos Comenius method
  7. the Jacotot method
  8. Experimental teaching or teaching which differs in some respect from conventional teaching is widely used in methodological researches. For instance, it may differ:
  9. in presenting some linguistic material.
  10. in the use of teaching aids, their place and role in the development of this or that language skill.
    c. in checking pupils’ knowledge of linguistic material.
  11. the Amos Comenius method
  12. the Jacotot method
    f. the Palmer (West, Fries) method
  13. the synthetic method
  14. the analytic method


  1. The experiment requires the following procedure:
  2. pre-test in all the groups both control and those taken for experimenting.
  3. experimental class sessions
    c. post-test
  4. the pedgogics
  5. the psychology
    f. the linguistics
  6. the Jacotot method
    h. the Palmer (West, Fries) method



9.Questionnaires are extensively used in Methods.

  1. the research worker turns to the questionnaire whenever he needs answers to the questions he faces.
  2. the research worker wants to know how much time teachers spend on checking pupils’ homework.
    c. the research worker distributes a questionnaire among teachers, they answer the question.
  3. synthetic method
  4. analytic method
  5. pedgogics
  6. psychology
    h. linguistics


  1. We need research activities of the following types:
  2. descriptive research which deals with “what to teach”
  3. experimental and instrumental research dealing with “how to teach”.
    c. more research is now needed which compares different combination of devices, various teaching aids.
  4. the synthetic method
  5. the analytic method
    f. the deductive method
  6. the lexical method
    h. the phonetic method


  1. The method denoted logical categories, for example:
  2. the synthetic method
  3. the analytic method
    c. the deductive method
  4. by careful experimentation.
  5. by taking note of the new developments in the field of linguistics and psychology.
  6. research worker turns to the questionnaire whenever he needs answers to the questions he faces.
  7. research worker wants to know how much time teachers spend on checking pupils’ homework.
    h. how the child does this or that exercise.


  1. The method was named after the aspect of the language upon which attention was focused as in the cases of :
  2. the grammar method
  3. the lexical method
    c. the phonetic method
  4. teaching of a foreign language must be based upon carefully selected material.
  5. research worker turns to the questionnaire whenever he needs answers to the questions he faces.
  6. research worker wants to know how much time teachers spend on checking pupils’ homework.
  7. by careful experimentation.
  8. by taking note of the new developments in the field of linguistics and psychology.
  9. Sometimes the method got its name from the psychology of language learning:
  10. the intuitive method
  11. the conscious method
    c. the direct method
  12. teaching of a foreign language must be based upon carefully selected material.
    e. great attention should be given to the rationalization of study material to make the assimilation of a foreign language easier.
  13. receptive work
  14. receptive- imitative work
    h. conventional conversation


  1. The method was named after its inventor:
  2. the Amos Comenius method
  3. the Jacotot method
    c. the Palmer (West, Fries) method
  4. no scientific principles were applied to selection of study material and vocabulary in particular.
  5. school conditions did not favour the development of pupils’ speech habits.
    f. in the hands of inexperienced and ill-equipped teachers the direct method did not work and the teachers had to return to the old grammar-translation method.
  6. by careful experimentation.
  7. by taking note of the new developments in the field of linguistics and psychology.


  1. A brief review on foreign language teaching
  2. the grammar –translation method, the oldest method of teaching foreign languages which had its origin in Latin schools.
  3. the direct method which began to be widely used in schools in the 1870’s.
    c. the contemporary methods.
  4. receptive
  5. receptive- imitative
  6. by careful experimentation.
  7. by taking note of the new developments in the field of linguistics and psychology.
    h. Jacotot method


  1. The characteristic features of the direct method are as follows:
  2. inductive approach to teaching grammar.
  3. great care in teaching pronunciation throughout the course and especially the first weeks and months.
    c. great attention to the subjects of the texts, especially a topical arrangement of the material with the purpose of ensuring speech development.
  4. the synthetic method
  5. the analytic method
  6. the Amos Comenius method
  7. the Jacotot method
    h. the Palmer (West, Fries) method


  1. There were too many difficulties in the use of the method, the main of them being the following:
  2. no scientific principles were applied to selection of study material and vocabulary in particular.
  3. school conditions did not favour the development of pupils’ speech habits.
    c. in the hands of inexperienced and ill-equipped teachers the direct method did not work and the teachers had to return to the old grammar-translation method.
  4. the traditional grammar
  5. the similar phenomena
  6. the hearing, speaking
  7. the grammar method
  8. the Jacotot method


  1. During the period between the two wars it became possible to revive the main principles of the direct method:
  2. by careful experimentation.
  3. by taking note of the new developments in the field of linguistics and psychology.
    c. by insisting that clear statements be made as to the aims and objectives of teaching.
  4. receptive work
  5. receptive- imitative work
    f. conventional conversation
  6. receptive- imitative
  7. conventional conversation




  1. The main points in Palmer’s method are:
  2. in learning a foreign language the pupil must tread the path he has followed in acquiring the mother tongue.
  3. teaching of a foreign language must be based upon carefully selected material.
    c. great attention should be given to the rationalization of study material to make the assimilation of a foreign language easier.
  4. the synthetic method
  5. the analytic method
  6. the Amos Comenius method
  7. the Jacotot method
    h. the Palmer (West, Fries) method


  1. In learning a foreign language the students pass through the following stages.
  2. receptive work
  3. receptive- imitative work
    c. conventional conversation
  4. the synthetic method
  5. the analytic method
  6. the Amos Comenius method
  7. the Jacotot method
    h. the insisting that clear statements be made as to the aims and objectives of teaching.



  1. The traditional approach to foreign language teaching is characterized by ..
  2. the use of the native language for explanation, retention and checking.
  3. the deductive explanation of grammar and the use of grammar exercises.
    c. the development of all the language skills.
  4. receptive
  5. receptive- imitative
  6. conventional conversation
  7. contemporary methods
  8. Jacotot method


  1. The aims of methods of teaching are…
  2. practical
  3. educational
    c. cultural
  4. the use of the native language for explanation, retention and checking.
  5. the deductive explanation of grammar and the use of grammar exercises.
    f. the development of all the language skills.
  6. the Jacotot method
    h. the Palmer (West, Fries) method


  1. The content of foreign language teaching, i.e. what to teach, involves three main components.
  2. psychological component
  3. linguistic component
    c. methodological component
  4. to learning a foreign language the pupil must tread the path he has followed in acquiring the mother tongue.
  5. the teaching of a foreign language must be based upon carefully selected material.
    f. to great attention should be given to the rationalization of study material to make the assimilation of a foreign language easier.
  6. a synthetic method
  7. a analytic method


  1. Non-mechanical aids are:
  2. a blackboard
  3. a flannel board
    c. a magnet board
  4. receptive work
  5. receptive- imitative work
    f. to conventional conversation
  6. the synthetic method
  7. the analytic method


  1. Mechanical aids are:
  2. tape-recorders
  3. a gramophone or record-player
    c. a filmstrip projector
  4. the inductive approach to teaching grammar.
  5. the great care in teaching pronunciation throughout the course and especially the first weeks and months.
    f. the great attention to the subjects of the texts, especially a topical arrangement of the material with the purpose of ensuring speech development.
  6. the synthetic method
  7. the analytic method


  1. The modern textbooks for teaching a foreign language should meet the following requirements:
  2. the textbooks must arouse pupils’ interest and excite their curiosity
  3. they should have illustrations to help pupils in comprehension and in speaking
    c. the textbooks must reflect the life and culture of the people whose language pupils study
  4. a blackboard
  5. a flannel board
    f. a magnet board
  6. a. receptive work
  7. a. receptive- imitative work
  8. Exercises of the textbook may be subdivided.
  9. according to the activity they require on the part of the learners
  10. according to the place they are performed at (class exercises)
    c. according to the form (whether they are oral or written)
  11. the grammar phenomena
  12. traditional grammar
  13. similar phenomena
  14. hearing, speaking
  15. grammar method


  1. Exercises designed for developing oral language should prepare pupils:
  2. to use a foreign language at the lessons for classroom needs.
  3. to talk about the subjects within pupils’ interests and about the objects surrounding them.
    c. to discuss what they have read and heard.
  4. a tape-recorders
  5. a gramophone or record-player
    f. filmstrip projector
  6. the inductive approach to teaching grammar.
  7. great care in teaching pronunciation throughout the course and especially the first weeks and months.
  8. Dialogue is concerned pupils should have exercises which require:
  9. learning a pattern dialogue
  10. substitutions within the pattern dialogue
    c. making up dialogues of their own
  11. to photographs
  12. to albums
    f. the maps and plans
  13. a. tape-recorders
  14. a gramophone or record-player
  15. Visual materials
  16. photographs
  17. albums
    c. maps and plans
  18. to use a foreign language at the lessons for classroom needs.
  19. to talk about the subjects within pupils’ interests and about the objects surrounding them.
    f. to discuss what they have read and heard.
  20. to according to the activity they require on the part of the learners
  21. to according to the place they are performed at (class exercises)
  22. Audio materials
  23. tapes
  24. records
    c. discs
  25. the teacher explains to the pupil his mistake and asks him to pronounce the sound, the word
  26. the teacher correct the mistake by pronouncing the sound
    f. the teacher corrects the mistake by pronouncing the sound, and the pupil imitates the teacher’s pronunciation.
  27. the acquisition of new sounds, stress, tone-patterns
  28. drill in recognition and reproduction new material to acquire pronunciation habits

32.The teacher faces the following problems in teaching pupils English pronunciation:

  1. the problem of discrimination
  2. the problem of articulation
    c. the problem of intonation
  3. no scientific principles were applied to selection of study material and vocabulary in particular.
  4. school conditions did not favour the development of pupils’ speech habits.
    f. in the hands of inexperienced and ill-equipped teachers the direct method did not work and the teachers had to return to the old grammar-translation method.
  5. acquisition of new sounds, stress, tone-patterns
  6. drill in recognition and reproduction new material to acquire pronunciation habits


  1. Pupils assimilate English pronunciation through:
  2. the acquisition of new sounds, stress, tone-patterns
  3. drill in recognition and reproduction new material to acquire pronunciation habits
    c. making use of the pronunciation habits in language skills
  4. to learning a pattern dialogue
  5. to substitutions within the pattern dialogue
    f. to making up dialogues of their own
  6. to photographs
  7. to albums


  1. How mistakes must be corrected the following may be suggested:
  2. the teacher explains to the pupil his mistake and asks him to pronounce the sound, the word
  3. the teacher correct the mistake by pronouncing the sound
    c. the teacher corrects the mistake by pronouncing the sound, and the pupil imitates the teacher’s pronunciation.
  4. learning a pattern dialogue
  5. substitutions within the pattern dialogue
    f. making up dialogues of their own
  6. photographs
  7. albums
  8. Scientific principles of selecting vocabulary have been worked out. The words selected should be:
  9. Frequently used in the language
  10. Easily combined
    c. Valuable from the point of view of word-building
  11. concrete
  12. abstract
    f. structural
  13. repetitive drill
  14. substitution
  15. The analysis of the words within the foreign language allows us to distinguish the following groups of words:
  16. concrete
  17. abstract
    c. structural
  18. the grammar phenomena which do not require any explanation since there are similar phenomena in the mother tongue of the pupils.
  19. the grammar phenomena which require corrections.
    f. the grammar phenomena which are strange for Russian- speaking pupils.
  20. the teacher explains to the pupil his mistake and asks him to pronounce the sound, the word
  21. the teacher correct the mistake by pronouncing the sound
  22. The process of learning a word means to the pupil:
  23. identification of concepts
  24. pupil’s activity for the purpose of retaining the word
    c. pupil’s activity in using this word in the process of communication in different situations
  25. concrete
  26. abstract
    f. structural
  27. repetitive drill
  28. substitution


  1. There are three problems the teacher is to deal with in vocabulary retention:
  2. the number of exercises to be used
  3. the type of exercises to be used
    c. the sequence or the order of complexity in which the selected exercises should be done
  4. auding
  5. speaking
    f. reading
  6. concrete
  7. abstract
  8. In modern teaching materials now un use the words pupils are to learn pass through the following stages:
  9. pupils listen to the words in sentences arranged in a structural group.
  10. they learn the meaning of the words in various context.
    c. pupils learn the forms of the words.
  11. a conscious approach

е. a practical approach
f. a structural approach

  1. a auding
  2. a speaking


  1. To sum up what has been said above the grammar material of the English language for teaching purposes may be classified into the following three group:
  2. the grammar phenomena which do not require any explanation since there are similar phenomena in the mother tongue of the pupils.
  3. the grammar phenomena which require corrections.
    c. the grammar phenomena which are strange for Russian- speaking pupils.
  4. motive
  5. aim
    f. means
  6. substitution
    c. completion


  1. Teaching grammar should be based upon the following principles:
  2. conscious approach
  3. practical approach
    c. structural approach
  4. the textbooks must arouse pupils’ interest and excite their curiosity
  5. they should have illustrations to help pupils in comprehension and in speaking
    f. the grammar phenomena which do not require any explanation since there are similar phenomena in the mother tongue of the pupils.
  6. the grammar phenomena which require corrections.
  7. making statements either on the picture the teacher shows, or on objects.


  1. Drill exercises are those in which pupils have only one difficulty to overcome, they should also be graded:
  2. repetitive drill
  3. substitution
    c. completion
  4. making statements either on the picture the teacher shows, or on objects.
  5. asking questions with a given grammar item.
    f. the acquisition of information about a grammar item.
  6. drill and transformation to form grammar habits.
    h. the grammar phenomena which require corrections.


  1. Creative exercises. These may be:
  2. making statements either on the picture the teacher shows, or on objects.
  3. asking questions with a given grammar item.
    c. speaking about the situation offered by the teacher.
  4. a question- response
  5. a question-question
    f. a motive
  6. a aim
    h. a completion


  1. A check on the assimilation of grammar material is carried out through:
  2. auding
  3. speaking
    c. reading
  4. pupils’ communication when talking on a topic under Teacher’s supervision.
    e. pupils’ communication when working at a text-discussing the problems touched in it.
  5. the acquisition of information about a grammar item.

g drill and transformation to form grammar habits.
h. the making use of the habits acquired in language skills.


  1. In teaching grammar pupils are involved in the process of learning:
  2. the acquisition of information about a grammar item.
  3. drill and transformation to form grammar habits.
    c. the making use of the habits acquired in language skills.
  4. a motive
  5. an aim
    f. a means
  6. a question- response
  7. a question-question
  8. The target language is used for:
  9. teacher-pupils communication in the classroom.
  10. pupils’ communication when talking on a topic under Teacher’s supervision.
    c. pupils’ communication when working at a text-discussing the problems touched in it.
  11. a practical approach
    e. a structural approach
  12. a auding
  13. a speaking
    h. a speaking
  14. There are three main factors which can ensure success in developing pupils’ skills in auding:
  15. linguistic material for auding.
  16. the content of the material suggested for listening and comprehension.
    c. conditions in which the material is presented.
  17. to motive
  18. to aim
    f. to means
  19. to substitution
    h. to completion


  1. Speech is a process of communication by means of language. For example:
  2. the pupil tells the class a story about something which once happened to him.
  3. the teacher asks question on the story read by the pupils at home and starts a discussion.
    c. the pupils speak on the pictures suggested by the teacher, each tries to say what others have not mentioned.
  4. a post-test
  5. a quiz
  6. a control work
  7. a dictation
  8. a means


  1. The structure of oral language activity as psycho- linguistics states comprises:
  2. a. motive
  3. aim
    c. means
  4. no scientific principles were applied to selection of study material and vocabulary in particular.
  5. school conditions did not favour the development of pupils’ speech habits.
    f. in the hands of inexperienced and ill-equipped teachers the direct method did not work and the teachers had to return to the old grammar-translation method.
  6. the teacher asks question on the story read by the pupils at home and starts a discussion.
    h. pupils speak on the pictures suggested by the teacher, each tries to say what others have not mentioned.


  1. What are the psychological characteristics of oral language?
  2. speech must be motivated.
  3. speech is always addressed to an interlocutor.
    c. speech is always emotionally coloured for a speaker expresses his thoughts, his feelings, his attitude to what he says.
  4. motive
  5. aim
    f. means
  6. substitution
    h. completion



  1. Linguistic peculiarities of dialogue are as follows:
  2. the use of incomplete sentences in responses.
  3. the use of contracted forms.
    c. the use of some abbreviations.
  4. question- response
  5. question-question
    f. statement- statement
  6. when giving the class instructions
  7. when presenting new language material


  1. There is a great variety of dialogue structures.
  2. question- response
  3. question-question
    c. statement- statement
  4. the use of incomplete sentences in responses.
  5. the use of contracted forms.
    f. to use of some abbreviations.
  6. to substitution
    h. an completion



  1. These are the techniques the teacher uses for the purpose: The teacher uses the foreign language:
  2. when giving the class instructions
  3. when presenting new language material
    c. when checking pupils’ comprehension
  4. phonetic exercises
  5. lexical exercises
    f. grammar
  6. the utterance level
    h. the discourse level



  1. We can group drill exercises into exercises designed for overcoming linguistic difficulties, and exercises which can eliminate psychological difficulties.
  2. phonetic exercises
  3. lexical exercises
    c. grammar exercises
  4. motive words
  5. aim
    f. means
  6. the statement level
  7. the utterance level



  1. In teaching monologue we can easily distinguish three stages according to the levels which constitute the ability to speak:
  2. the statement level
  3. the utterance level
    c. the discourse level
  4. question-question
    e. statement- statement
  5. use of incomplete sentences in responses.
  6. contracted forms.
    h. to use of some abbreviations.



  1. Pupils are invited to perform various drill exercises within the sentence patterns given:
  2. substitution
  3. extention
    c. transformation
  4. if a pupil makes a mistake in something which is familiar to him, it is preferable to correct it at once.
  5. if a pupil makes a mistake in something which he has not learned yet the teacher corrects his mistakes after he has finished speaking.
  6. how to begin a dialogue.
    g. how to carry on a conversation.
  7. receptive exercises



  1. To develop pupils’ skills in dialogue on the level of a lead- response unit pupils are taught:
  2. how to make responses to the lead within the lead-response unit.
  3. how to begin a dialogue.
    c. how to carry on a conversation.
  4. immediate
  5. delayed
    f. graphemic-phonemic exercises
  6. structural-information exercises
  7. semantic-communicative


  1. When a pattern- dialogue as a nit of teaching there are three stages in learning a dialogue:
  2. receptive
  3. reproductive
    c. constructive
  4. a graphemic-phonemic exercises
  5. a structural-information exercises
  6. a phonic
  7. a immediate
  8. a word


  1. Pupils enact the pattern dialogue. We may distinguish three kinds of reproduction:
  2. immediate
  3. delayed
    c. modified
  4. a structural words
  5. a determine the meaning of a word proceeding from its position in the sentence
    f. a pupil makes a mistake in something which is familiar to him, it is preferable to correct it at once.
  6. a graphemic-phonemic exercises
  7. a structural-information exercises


  1. There is a great variety of techniques at the teacher’s disposal. He selects the one that is most suitable for the occasion.
  2. If a pupil makes a mistake in something which is familiar to him, it is preferable to correct it at once.
  3. If a pupil makes a mistake in something which he has not learned yet the teacher corrects his mistakes after he has finished speaking.
  4. If many pupils make the same mistakes, for instance, in prepositions.
  5. graphemic-phonemic exercises
  6. structural-information exercises
  7. semantic-communicative
  8. the phonic
  9. the word
  10. As a means of teaching reading a system of exercises is widely used in school, which includes.
  11. graphemic-phonemic exercises
  12. structural-information exercises
  13. semantic-communicative exercises
  14. to present a new letter
  15. to make pupils compose a word
    f. to check pupils’ knowledge of letters or graphemes
  16. the phonic
  17. the word
  18. In teaching reading aloud the following methods are observed
  19. the phonic
  20. the word
    c. the sentence ways
  21. structural words
  22. to determine the meaning of a word proceeding from its position in the sentence
    f. to find the meanings of unfamiliar words
  23. diagnostic reading
  24. instructive reading


  1. Flash cards when the teacher uses them allow him
  2. to present a new letter
  3. to make pupils compose a word
    c. to check pupils’ knowledge of letters or graphemes
  4. structural words
  5. determine the meaning of a word proceeding from its position in the sentence
    f. If a pupil makes a mistake in something which is familiar to him.
  6. graphemic-phonemic exercises
  7. structural-information exercises


  1. The same devices are applied for teaching pupils to read words, the task being different:
  2. pupils choose words which are not read according to the rule.
  3. pupils are invited to read the words which they usually misread.
    c. pupils are invited to look at the words and name the letter which makes the words different.
  4. receptive
  5. reproductive
    f. constructive
  6. graphemic-phonemic exercises
  7. structural-information exercises


  1. In reading loud, therefore, the teacher uses:
  2. diagnostic reading
  3. instructive reading
    c. control reading
  4. how to make responses to the lead within the lead-response unit.
  5. how to begin a dialogue.
    f. how to carry on a conversation.
  6. how immediate
  7. how delayed


  1. Grammar and lexical analyses help pupils to assimilate:
  2. structural words
  3. to determine the meaning of a word proceeding from its position in the sentence
    c. to find the meanings of unfamiliar words
  4. the phonic
  5. the word
    f. the sentence ways
  6. the structural words
  7. the determine the meaning of a word proceeding from its position in the sentence


  1. In the junior stage the following techniques may be suggested.
  2. read and draw
  3. here are the question. Find the answers in the text
    c. translate the sentences beginning with the words
  4. the diagnostic reading
  5. the instructive reading
    f. the control reading (test reading)
  6. the make responses to the lead within the lead-response unit.
  7. the begin a dialogue.


  1. The intensive work may be connected with:
  2. lexical work
  3. grammar work
    c. stylistic work
  4. a phonetic exercises
  5. a lexical exercises
    f. a grammar
  6. a motive
  7. a aim


  1. Pupils are taught to perform the following “acts”.
  2. to anticipate the subject of the text they are going to read.
  3. to search for the main ideas and facts in the text.
    c. to shorten the text.
  4. diagnostic reading
  5. instructive reading
    f. control reading (test reading)
  6. how to make responses to the lead within the lead-response unit.
  7. how to begin a dialogue.


  1. If we consider translation from the point of view of its relation to the original, we distinguish:
  2. word for word translation
  3. adequate translation
    c. free translation
  4. the read and draw
  5. the here are the question. Find the answers in the text
    f. the translate the sentences beginning with the words
  6. the diagnostic reading
  7. the instructive reading


  1. Since writing is a complicated skill it should be developed through the formation of habits such as:
  2. the habit of writing letters of the English alphabet.
  3. the habit of converting speech sounds into their symbol-letters and letter combinations.
    c. the habit of correct spelling of words, phrases, and sentences.
  4. lexical work
  5. grammar work
    f. stylistic
  6. phonetic exercises
  7. lexical exercises
  8. In forming writing habits the following factors are of great importance.
  9. auditory perception of a sound, a word, a phrase, or a sentence
  10. articulation of a sound and pronunciation of a word, a phrase, and a sentence by the pupil who writes
    c. visual perception of letters or letter combinations which stand for sounds.
  11. the diagnostic reading
  12. the instructive reading
    f. the control reading (test reading)
  13. the how to make responses to the lead within the lead-response unit.
  14. the how to begin a dialogue.
  15. The spelling system of a language may be based upon the following principles:
  16. historical or conservative principle
  17. morphological principle
    c. phonetic principle
  18. a copying
  19. a dictation
    f. a writing sentences on a given pattern
  20. a diagnostic reading
  21. instructive reading


  1. It is impossible to master accurate spelling without understanding some laws governing it.
  2. how to add
  3. when the consonant should be doubled
    c. the main word-building suffixes
  4. to underline a given letter or letter combination for a certain sound
  5. to underline a certain grammar item
    f. to underline certain words depicting, for example, the names of school things
  6. to teacher shows the learners a letter or both a capital and a small letter.
  7. to teacher shows his pupils how to write the letter.


  1. Training in penmanship should proceed by steps
  2. the teacher shows the learners a letter or both a capital and a small letter.
  3. the teacher shows his pupils how to write the letter.
    c. the teacher asks pupils to write first the letter, then the word in their exercise-books.
  4. to pronunciation habits
  5. to grammar habits
  6. to lexical habits
  7. to ability to do something well
  8. to pedgogics



  1. Consequently, training in penmanship implies:
  2. visual perception
  3. observations accompanied by some explanations on the part of the teacher
    c. practice under the teacher’s supervision in class
  4. a pronunciation habits
  5. a grammar habits
  6. a lexical habits
  7. a ability to do something well
  8. a pedgogics



  1. In spelling instruction the teacher should take into consideration the difficulties of English spelling and instruct pupils how to overcome these difficulties.
  2. copying
  3. dictation
    c. writing sentences on a given pattern
  4. a learning a pattern dialogue
  5. a substitutions within the pattern dialogue
    f. a making up dialogues of their own
  6. a photographs
  7. a albums
  8. In copying at home the pupils must be given some additional task preventing them from performing the work mechanically. The following tasks may be suggested:
  9. underline a given letter or letter combination for a certain sound
  10. underline a certain grammar item
    c. underline certain words depicting, for example, the names of school things
  11. a. substitution
  12. completion
    f. extension
  13. the phonic
  14. the word


  1. Writing sentences on a given pattern. This kind of writing exercise is more difficult because pupils choose words they are to use themselves. The exercises may be suggested:
  2. substitution
  3. completion
    c. extension
  4. the phonic
  5. the word
    f. the sentence ways
  6. the structural words
  7. the determine the meaning of a word proceeding from its position in the sentence


  1. Preparation may include:
  2. oral questioning with the aim of giving the pupils practice in presenting facts and ideas in the target language.
  3. the use of pictures and other visual aids to provide information for written work.
    c. auding an extract or a story which can stimulate pupils’ thought.
  4. to pronunciation habits
  5. to grammar habits
  6. to lexical habits
  7. to ability to do something well
  8. to pedgogics



  1. In teaching composition the following exercises may be suggested:
  2. a written reproduction of a story either heard or read.
  3. a description of a picture, an object or a situation.
  4. a descriptive paragraph about a text, or a number of texts on a certain subject.
  5. learning a pattern dialogue
  6. substitutions within the pattern dialogue
    f. making up dialogues of their own
  7. photographs
  8. albums
  9. In teaching writing the following tests my be recommended to measure pupils’ achievements in penmanship, spelling and composition.
  10. the teacher measure his pupils’ achievement in marking English letters in the right way by asking individuals to write some letters on the blackboard.
  11. the teacher measures his pupils’ achievement in penmanship and spelling by administering dictation tests or spelling test.
    c. the teacher measures his pupils’ achievement in composition.
  12. pronunciation habits
  13. grammar habits
  14. lexical habits
  15. the ability to do something well
  16. pedagogies



  1. The teacher measures his pupils’ achievement in composition.
  2. by asking them to write a few question on the text
  3. by answering questions
    c. by making a few statements on the object-picture or a set of pictures given
  4. substitution
  5. completion
    f. extension
  6. the phonic
  7. the word
  8. In carrying out the training the following techniques may be recommended.
  9. pupils should read through their own written work before handing it in.
  10. pupils can correct the sentences themselves looking at the blackboard where the correct answers to exercises are written.
    c. whenever pupils are writing, the teacher can walk must looking through the work they have done.
  11. to learning a pattern dialogue
  12. to substitutions within the pattern dialogue
    f. to making up dialogues of their own
  13. to photographs
  14. to albums
  15. Teaching and learning a foreign language is ensured:
  16. through methods and techniques
  17. with the help of various teaching aids and teaching materials now in use
    c. by means of different arrangement of pupils’ language learning.
  18. a graphemic-phonemic exercises
  19. a structural-information exercises
  20. a phonic exercises
  21. a Immediate exercises
  22. a word exercises



  1. Pupils coming to the lesson should know what they are to do during the lesson.
  2. teach pupils to understand the following words..
  3. teach pupils to form new words with the help of the following suffixes…
    c. teach pupils to consult a dictionary to look up the meaning of the following word.
  4. copying
  5. dictation
    f. writing sentences on a given pattern
  6. diagnostic reading
  7. instructive reading
  8. He then distributes these difficulties evenly over the number of class-periods allotted to the lesson in the calendar plan.
  9. the teacher starts by stating the objective or objectives of each class-period.
  10. the teacher distributes the linguistic material throughout the class-periods
    c. the teacher selects and distributes exercises for class and homework using various teaching aids and teaching materials.
  11. a blackboard
  12. a flannel board
    f. a magnet board
  13. a. receptive work
  14. receptive- imitative work


  1. The unit plan includes next columns:
  2. the number of class-periods
  3. the objectives of each period
    c. the language material
  4. graphemic-phonemic exercises
  5. structural-information exercises
  6. phonic
  7. Immediate
  8. word



  1. The unit plan includes next columns:
  2. language skills
  3. accessories
    c. homework
  4. to copying
  5. to dictation
    f. to writing sentences on a given pattern
  6. to diagnostic reading
  7. the instructive reading


  1. The daily plan includes:
  2. what should be achieved during this particular lesson.
  3. what material is used for achieving the objectives.
    c. how the objectives should be achieved.
  4. the copying
  5. the dictation
    f. the writing sentences on a given pattern
  6. the diagnostic reading
  7. the instructive reading
  8. The plan itself should:
  9. be brief, but with sufficient detail to be precise.
  10. assign a definite number of minutes to each activity.
    c. indicate exactly what words, phrases, facts, items are to be learnt ad how.
  11. to learning a pattern dialogue
  12. to substitutions within the pattern dialogue
    f. to making up dialogues of their own
  13. to photographs
  14. to albums


  1. There are certain basic principles of teaching and learning which should be observed:
  2. every lesson should begin with a greeting in the foreign language.
  3. there should be a variety of activities at every lesson, including pronunciation drill, reading and writing.
    c. the lesson should be conducted at a high speed when orall drill exercises are performed.
  4. a blackboard
  5. a flannel board
    f. a magnet board
  6. a. receptive work
  7. receptive- imitative work


  1. There are certain basic principles of teaching and learning which should be observed:
  2. the lesson should provide a certain sequence in pupils’ assimilating language material and developing habits.
  3. the lesson should provide time for the activity of every pupil in the class.
    c. the lesson should provide conditions for pupils to learn.
  4. a blackboard
  5. a flannel board
    f. a magnet board
  6. a. receptive work
  7. receptive- imitative work


  1. The advantages of the oral introductory course in the 4th form are as follows:
  2. the oral introductory course allows the children to get a clear idea of how the language sounds from the very first steps.
  3. the oral introductory course stimulates pupils’ interest as they deal with the language in its communicative function.
    c. the pronunciation in teaching a modern language is known to be the most important skill to be developed when instructing beginners.
  4. a graphemic-phonemic exercises
  5. a structural-information exercises
  6. a the phonic
  7. a immediate
  8. a word


  1. The duration of the course is one of the problems that is not solved yet. It depends on many factors, such as:
  2. number of pupils in the class.
  3. pupils’ aptitude.
    c. the teacher’s qualifications.
  4. a blackboard
  5. a flannel board
    f. a magnet board
  6. a. receptive work
  7. a receptive- imitative work

96.The oral introductory source allows the teacher:

  1. to develop pronunciation habits .
  2. to introduce the material as close to the pattern as possible
    c. to create the situations
  3. learning a pattern dialogue
  4. substitutions within the pattern dialogue
    f. making up dialogues of their own
  5. photographs
  6. albums


97.The oral approach allows the teacher:

  1. to centre attention on teaching the pupils how to pronounce correctly.
  2. to have plenty of time for hearing, repetition.
    c. to train pupils in assimilating the material through the ear.
  3. pronunciation habits
  4. grammar habits
  5. lexical habits
  6. the ability to do something well
  7. pedagogies


  1. The grammar item should pass through the following stages to be grasped and retained by pupils:
  2. listening comprehension
  3. transformations
    c. listening repetition in imitation of the teacher
  4. a pronunciation habits
  5. a grammar habits
  6. a lexical habits
  7. a ability to do something well
  8. a pedagogic


  1. If the objective is to teach pupils to understand and use in speech 6-8 words a similar procedure should be adopted :
  2. Listening and comprehension.
  3. Using the word in various sentence patterns.
    c. Using the word in the act of communication.
  4. learning a pattern dialogue
  5. substitutions within the pattern dialogue
    f. making up dialogues of their own
  6. photographs
  7. albums


  1. Here is one of the possible approaches to compiling a daily plan:
  2. The beginning of the lesson.
  3. Pronunciation drill.
    c. Oral practice.
  4. pronunciation habits
  5. grammar habits
  6. lexical habits
  7. the ability to do something well
  8. pedagogic


  1. The main problems:
  2. Aims of teaching,
  3. Content of teaching,
  4. Techniques of teaching
  5. presentation, practice activities, testing

e content of teaching, methods and techniques of teaching

f verbalization, autoimmunization, practice

g to convey how well the learners know or can do something

  1. pedagogies


  1. Which habits does the teacher form and develop in pupils…
  2. pronunciation
  3. lexical
  4. grammar
  5. reading, writing, dictation
  6. logical, special, linguistic
  7. reading and writing and the memorization
  8. presentation, practice activities, testing
  9. to convey how well the learners know or can do something


  1. Reading aloud are………………
  2. diagnostic
  3. instructive
  4. control
  5. structure, grammar rules
  6. intonation, structures
  7. oral and written
  8. prepared and written
  9. learning a pattern dialogue


  1. Structural-information exercises help the pupils…………..
  2. to carry out lexical and grammar analysis,
  3. to find the logical subject
  4. to predicate in the sentences
  5. find the logical subject and predicate in the sentences
  6. through auditory perception reinforced by visual perception over of a sound
  7. assimilate graphemic-phonemic correspondence in the English language
  8. determine the cases where conscious manipulation of the speech organs is required
  9. logical, general, special


  1. Main components of FLT are:
  2. psychological
  3. linguistic
  4. methodological
  5. logical, special, linguistic
  6. special, methodological, historical
  7. psychological, philosophy, general
  8. logical, general, special
  9. presentation, special


106.Teaching progress has following stages

  1. presentation
  2. practice activities
  3. testing
  4. org. moment, new theme, feedback
  5. explanation, instruction
  6. verbalization, autoimmunization, practice
  7. giving feedback, home task, organization
  8. psychological, home task


  1. The main aims of presentation stage is…..

a to improve and consolidate listening,

b to improve and consolidate speaking,

c to memorization of vocabulary

d convey how well the learners know or can do something

  1. involve students in a varied use of language
  2. develop extensive reading
  3. improve speaking skills and habits
  4. explanation, instruction




108.Phonetic system of FL includes:

  1. sounds
  2. stress
  3. rhythm

d phases, tone, units

e structure, grammar rules

  1. intonation, structures

g letters, sounds, rhythm

  1. to develop extensive reading


  1. Recognition exercises are:
  2. General
  3. Alternative
  4. Match activities
  5. match words
  6. completing exercises
  7. special questions, paraphrasing
  8. general, special, alternative questions
  9. stress


  1. The main methods of TFL are following:
  2. direct
  3. grammar-translation
  4. contemporary

d direct, indirect method

e translation methods

  1. native language methods
  2. g. contemporary methods
  3. h. abstract methods


111.We can distinguish words into following groups:

  1. concrete
  2. abstract
  3. structural

d general, common, abstract

e common, concrete, structural

  1. structural, common, concrete

g common, concrete

h native language methods


  1. 112. There are some language activities to be developed in pupils. What are they?
  2. hearing
  3. speaking
  4. reading

d hearing, speaking, auding, writing

e reading, auding, listening, speaking

f writing, reading, hearing, speaking

g pronunciation and translation

  1. h. common, concrete


  1. There are three stages in learning a dialogue:
  2. a. receptive
  3. b. reproductive

c constructive

d reproductive, creative and learning

e precognitive, receptive and creative

  1. learning, oral, retelling

g explanation, precognitive, creative

h analogy, receptive


  1. Teaching pronunciation and spelling of a word are as follows:

a Conscious imitation

b Analogy

c Transcription

d reading, spelling, intonation, analogy

e motivation, transcription, reading

f analogy, reading, pronunciation

g transcription, reading

h learning, oral, retelling


  1. 115. We distinguish stages of teaching FL in schools:
  2. a. junior
  3. b. intermediate
  4. c. senior
  5. d. senior, middle and beginning
  6. e. interfacial and senior
  7. f. junior and interfacial
  8. g. junior and senior
  9. h. transcription and senior


  1. Psychological component………..
  2. a. a means of communication in oral (hearing, speaking),
  3. b. a means of communication in written,
  4. c. a means of communication in reading
  5. language and linguistic material which should be assimilated to be used in language skills
  6. the techniques which pupils should acquire to learn the foreign language in a most effective way
  7. how to learn for themselves

g subject to attain the aims

  1. h. flannel board


  1. Non-mechanical aids are:
  2. a blackboard
  3. a flannel board
  4. a magnet board
  5. tape-recorder
  6. pictures
  7. teaching materials
  8. teaching aids
  9. tap recorders


  1. Mechanical aids are:
  2. tap recorders
  3. television and radio equipment
  4. language laboratory
  5. to transformational, practical, common
  6. to practical, structural, common
  7. the structural, traditional, proper
  8. the traditional
  9. a teaching aids


  1. Teaching materials are:
  2. Teacher’s books,
  3. Pupil’s books,
  4. Text books

d text books, audio materials

e visual materials

f audio-visual

g teacher’s books, text books

h traditional


  1. There are 3 constructed grammars:
  2. traditional
  3. structural
  4. transformational
  5. transformational, practical, common
  6. practical, structural, common
  7. structural, traditional, proper
  8. traditional, proper
  9. text books, audio materials


121.The following forms of extra-curricular work are used at schools

  1. individual work
  2. group work
  3. mass work

d pair

e group

f mass

g individual

  1. listening, speaking, retelling and writing


122.There are four ability to train

  1. hearing
  2. speaking
  3. reading (writing)

d listening, speaking, retelling and writing

e reading, retelling, speaking and hearing

f speaking, reading, writing and auding

g auding, listening, writing and reading

h individual work


  1. The pronunciation of word is:
  2. sounds
  3. stress
  4. intonation
  5. accent, tune, intonation
  6. vowels consonants, diphthongs
  7. stress, sounds, tune, palatalization
  8. sounds, vowels, consonants, tune
  9. the stage of teaching


  1. Which factors are pedagogical factors
  2. the stage of teaching,
  3. the size of the class,
  4. the time the qualification of the teacher
  5. pupils age
  6. pupils intelligence
  7. abstract notion, range of meaning in comparison
  8. abstract or concrete notion
  9. reading, hearing


  1. The content of the optional course should be:
  2. hearing
  3. speaking
  4. writing

d reading, hearing

e reading and writing

f hearing and speaking

g writing and speaking

  1. accent, tune, intonation


  1. There are some language activities to be developed in pupils, what are they?
  2. hearing,
  3. speaking,
  4. reading, (writing)

d hearing, speaking, auding, writing

e reading, speaking, asking, writing

f auding, hearing, speaking, writing

g listening, auding, hearing, speaking

  1. dictation drill, self-dictation


  1. Dictation may vary in forms:
  2. visual dictation
  3. dictation drill
  4. self-dictation

d the dictation drill, self-dictation

e a self-dictation

f to visual dictation

g an dictation drill, visual dictation

  1. the penmanship, composition


  1. What does written form include?
  2. penmanship
  3. spelling
  4. composition
  5. a spelling and writing
  6. a retelling and describing
  7. a penmanship, composition
  8. a spelling, composition
  9. the words in the act of communication


  1. There are several contracted grammars:
  2. traditional
  3. structural
  4. transformational

d the words in the act of communication

  1. make simple grammar rules
  2. the words and how they are put together in the sentences
  3. structures of various levels of the language
  4. spelling and writing


  1. There are stages in learning a dialogue
  2. receptive
  3. reproductive
  4. constructive
  5. understanding, learning, retelling
  6. receptive, constructive, retelling
  7. precognitive, receptive and creative
  8. reproductive, creative, learning
  9. make simple grammar rules


131.We distinguish stages of teaching FL in schools:

  1. junior
  2. intermediate
  3. senior
  4. senior, middle, beginning
  5. senior, intermediate
  6. intermediate, junior
  7. junior, senior
  8. pictures, exercises, card


  1. Verbal techniques include following:
  2. context
  3. synonyms
  4. antonyms
  5. pictures, exercises, card
  6. cards, context, pictures
  7. grammar tables
  8. synonyms, antonyms
  9. to carry out


  1. What are the syllabus requirements for language?
  2. to understand the language spoken
  3. to carry out
  4. to speak
  5. read good and distinctly
  6. write words correctly
  7. understand the language spoken
  8. speak a foreign language
  9. pictures, exercises


134.What are the visual aids included?

  1. maps
  2. picture
  3. photo
  4. maps, key-words, scheme
  5. books, plan, pictures
  6. key-words, plan
  7. pictures, tables, plan
  8. literature, list of verbs


135.What does the teacher’s book include?

  1. introduction
  2. planning
  3. appendix
  4. introduction, conclusion, appendix
  5. e. literature, list of verbs, vocabulary
  6. f. introduction, planning, conclusion
  7. g. vocabulary, literature, introduction
  8. h. word for word


  1. Types of translation:
  2. a. word for word
  3. b. free
  4. c. literary-artistic
  5. d. a adequate
  6. e. a visual, self-dictation
  7. f. a literary-artistic
  8. g. a free, adequate
  9. h. a introduction, conclusion


  1. Reading develops pupils’………………
  2. a. Intelligent
  3. b. Memory
  4. c. Imagination
  5. d. communication
  6. e. information
  7. f. will, imagination
  8. g. communication, imagination
  9. h. free, adequate
  10. What sciences did bring the changes in grammar-translation method?
  11. a. the development of pedagogy,
  12. b. the development of psychology
  13. c. the development of linguistics
  14. d. an opening of new linguistic centers
  15. e. to development of scholarship
  16. f. a new standards in linguistic science
  17. g. development of other sciences
  18. h. Walter


  1. The most orthodox advocates of the direct method were …..
  2. a. Grouin
  3. b. Berlitz
  4. c. Walter
  5. d. Grouin, M.Berlitz, M. West
  6. e. Grouin, M.Berlitz, H. Palmer
  7. f.Berlitz, M. Walter, B. Eggert
  8. g. Elementary
    h. Advanced
  9. Name the Palmer’s three stages.
  10. a. Elementary
  11. b.
  12. c. Advanced
  13. d. 1st year English, 2nd year English, 3rd year English, 4th year English
  14. e. pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced
  15. f. pre-school English, Secondary English, Graduate English, Business English
  16. g. all answers are wrong
  17. h. traditional


  1. There are 3 constructed grammars:
  2. a. traditional
  3. b. structural
  4. c. transformational
  5. d. transformational, practical, common
  6. e. practical, structural, common
  7. f. structural, traditional, proper
  8. g. traditional, proper
  9. h. reading (writing)


  1. There are four ability to train
  2. a. hearing
  3. b. speaking
  4. c. reading (writing)
  5. d. listening, speaking, retelling and writing
  6. e. reading, retelling, speaking and hearing
  7. f. speaking, reading, writing and auding
  8. g. auding, listening, writing and reading
  9. h. read by the teacher


  1. Instructive reading…………………………
  2. a. Pupils follow the pattern
  3. b. Read by the teacher
  4. c. Read by the speaker
  5. d. pupils read the text trying to keep as close to the pattern as possible
  6. e. pupils read and he can see his weak points in reading
  7. f. teacher-made tests and standardized tests
  8. g. read by the teacher or the speaker
  9. h. mathematics, history


  1. The methods of foreign language teaching is closely related…..
  2. a. pedagogies
  3. b. psychology
  4. c. physiology
  5. d. mathematics, history, biology
  6. e. history, psychology
  7. f. linguistics, biology
  8. g. pedagogies, mathematics
  9. h. auditory perception
  10. The first habit which is the most important in forming writing
  11. a. auditory perception of a sound
  12. b. auditory perception of a word
  13. c. auditory perception of a phrase
  14. d. articulation of a sound and pronunciation of a word a phrase, or a sentence by the pupil who writes
  15. e. visual perception of letters or letter combinations which stand for sounds
  16. f. the movements of the muscles of the hand in writing
  17. g. the nerves of the throat and tongue
  18. h. movements of the muscles


  1. 146. ~The second habit which is the most important in forming writing
  2. a. articulation of a sound and pronunciation of a word by the pupil who writes
  3. b. articulation of a sound and pronunciation of a phrase by the pupil who writes
  4. c. articulation of a sound and pronunciation of a sentence by the pupil who writes
  5. d. auditory perception of a sound, a word, a phrase, or a sentence
  6. e. visual perception of letters or letter combinations which stand for sounds
  7. f. the movements of the muscles of the hand in writing
  8. g. nerves of the throat and tongue
  9. h. aims of teaching


  1. The main problems:
  2. aims of teaching
  3. content of teaching
  4. techniques of teaching
  5. a presentation, practice activities, testing
  6. a content of teaching, methods and techniques of teaching
  7. a verbalization, autoimmunization, practice
  8. a to convey how well the learners know or can do something
  9. a transformational



148.There are 3 constructed grammars:

  1. traditional
  2. structural
  3. transformational
  4. the transformational, practical, common
  5. the practical, structural, common
  6. an structural, traditional, proper
  7. an unintelligible manner of presentation
  8. a writing and speaking


  1. Which of the group of language skills is none- reciprocal?
  2. reading
  3. writing
  4. speaking
  5. to listening
  6. a visual clues
  7. to writing and speaking
  8. to reading and listening
  9. to spelling and visual


  1. Difficulty of listening:
  2. unintelligible manner of presentation
  3. poor clarity of diction
  4. familiar topic
  5. a visual clues
  6. an intercultural component
  7. a phenomenon of language
  8. an act with language
  9. the speech material


  1. Subject side of contents of teaching FL includes
  2. act with language
  3. speech material
  4. situation
  5. an language phenomenon
  6. an speech material (sphere, theme, situation)
  7. an strategy of teaching
  8. an exercises and their types
  9. an language material


  1. Legal side of content of teaching FL includes
  2. language material
  3. lexis material
  4. grammar material
  5. the speech
  6. the intercultural component
  7. the phenomenon of language
  8. the act with language and speech
  9. the spoon, a knife


  1. Which words are difficult to understand
  2. arm
  3. magazine
  4. lunch
  5. the moon, earth, water
  6. the doctor, driver, minor
  7. a spoon, a knife, a table
  8. a college, cook, catch
  9. an movements of the muscles


  1. What does organization of FLT imply
  2. methods
  3. approaches
  4. planning
  5. a motivation of act
  6. a skills of word
  7. a number of hours
  8. a visual perception
  9. the movements of the muscles


155.According to the distinction tests are called

  1. subjective
  2. objective
  3. multiple-choice
  4. to free tests
  5. to subjective
  6. the objective
  7. the visual perception of letters
  8. a letter combinations which stand for sounds


  1. The third habit which is the most important in forming writing
  2. Visual perception of letters
  3. Letter combinations which stand for sounds
  4. Auditory perception of a sound,
  5. a word, a phrase, or a sentence
  6. articulation of a sound and pronunciation of a word a phrase, or a sentence by the pupil who writes
  7. the movements of the muscles of the hand in writing
  8. the nerves of the throat and tongue
  9. it is a short-timed check


157.The first characteristics of a test according to the given definition

  1. it is a short-timed check
  2. it gives an opportunity to check habits
  3. skills in using some linguistic material as many pupils as possible at a definite period time
  4. the must be easily administrated
  5. the result of a test are objective, as tests must be valid and reliable
  6. the necessary for diagnosis and stimulating pupils’ learning
  7. the short-timed check
  8. the must be easily administrated


  1. 158. The second characteristics of a test according to the given definition
  2. it gives an opportunity to check habits
  3. skills in using some linguistic material as many pupils as possible at a definite period time
  4. it is a short-timed check
  5. the it must be easily administrated
  6. the result of a test are objective, as tests must be valid and reliable
  7. the it is necessary for diagnosis and stimulating pupils’ learning
  8. the result of a test are objective, as tests must be valid and reliable
  9. the necessary for diagnosis and stimulating pupils’ learning


  1. 159. The third characteristics of a test according to the given definition
  2. It must be easily administrated
  3. It is a short-timed check
  4. It gives an opportunity to check habits and skills in using some linguistic
  5. material as many pupils as possible at a definite period time
  6. the result of a test are objective, as tests must be valid and reliable
  7. it is necessary for diagnosis and stimulating pupils’ learning
  8. free tests
  9. subjective


  1. 160. The fourth characteristics of a test according to the given definition
  2. The result of a test are objective, as tests must be valid and reliable
  3. It is a short-timed check
  4. It gives an opportunity to check habits and skills in using some linguistic
  5. material as many pupils as possible at a definite period time
  6. it must be easily administrated
  7. nit is necessary for diagnosis and stimulating pupils’ learning
  8. moon, earth, water
  9. doctor, driver, minor


161.The fifth characteristics of a test according to the given definition

  1. it is necessary for diagnosis and stimulating pupils’ learning
  2. it is a short-timed check
  3. it gives an opportunity to check habits and skills in using some linguistic material as many
  4. pupils as possible at a definite period time
  5. must be easily administrated
  6. the result of a test are objective, as tests must be valid and reliable
  7. aims of teaching
  8. content of teaching


  1. Teaching a foreign language helps the teacher develop the pupils’……
  2. the voluntary and involuntary memory his imaginative abilities, and his power
  3. the voluntary memory his imaginative abilities
  4. the involuntary memory his imaginative abilities
  5. abilities and his power
  6. voluntary and involuntary memory
  7. pronunciation
  8. lexical
  9. grammar


163.The main problems of FLT:

  1. aims of teaching
  2. content of teaching
  3. techniques of teaching
  4. presentation, practice activities, testing
  5. content of teaching, methods and techniques of teaching
  6. verbalization, autoimmunization, practice
  7. to convey how well the learners know or can do something
  8. logical, special, linguistic


164 Which habits does the teacher form and develop in pupils…

  1. pronunciation
  2. lexical
  3. grammar
  4. reading, writing, dictation
  5. logical, special, linguistic
  6. reading and writing and the memorization
  7. presentation, practice activities, testing
  8. logical, special, linguistic


  1. 16 Reading aloud are………………
  2. diagnostic
  3. instructive
  4. control
  5. structure, grammar rules
  6. intonation, structures
  7. oral and written
  8. prepared and written
  9. to find the logical subject



  1. 166. Structural-information exercises help the pupils…………..
  2. to carry out lexical and grammar analysis
  3. to find the logical subject
  4. to predicate in the sentences
  5. find the logical subject and predicate in the sentences
  6. through auditory perception reinforced by visual perception over of a sound
  7. assimilate graphemic-phonemic correspondence in the English language
  8. determine the cases where conscious manipulation of the speech organs is required
  9. special, methodological, historical



  1. 167. Main components of FLT are:
  2. psychological
  3. linguistic
  4. methodological
  5. logical, special, linguistic
  6. special, methodological, historical
  7. psychological, philosophy, general
  8. logical, general, special
  9. explanation, instruction


168.Teaching progress has following stages

  1. the presentation
  2. the practice activities
  3. the testing
  4. org. moment, new theme, feedback
  5. explanation, instruction
  6. verbalization, autoimmunization, practice
  7. giving feedback, home task, organization
  8. logical, general, special


169.The main aims of presentation stage is…..

  1. to improve and consolidate listening
  2. to improve and consolidate speaking
  3. to memorization of vocabulary
  4. convey how well the learners know or can do something
  5. involve students in a varied use of language
  6. develop extensive reading
  7. improve speaking skills and habits
  8. completing exercises


  1. 170. Phonetic system of FL includes:
  2. sounds
  3. stress
  4. rhythm
  5. phases, tone, units
  6. structure, grammar rules
  7. intonation, structures
  8. letters, sounds, rhythm
  9. match activities


  1. 171. Recognition exercises are:
  2. the general
  3. the alternative
  4. the match activities
  5. match word
  6. completing exercises
  7. special questions, paraphrasing
  8. general, special, alternative questions
  9. structure, grammar rules


  1. 172. The main methods of TFL are following:
  2. direct
  3. grammar-translation
  4. contemporary
  5. direct, indirect method
  6. translation methods
  7. native language methods
  8. contemporary methods
  9. general, common


173.We can distinguish words into following groups:

  1. concrete
  2. abstract
  3. structural
  4. general, common, abstract
  5. common, concrete, structural
  6. structural, common, concrete
  7. common, concrete
  8. hearing, speaking


  1. 174. There are some language activities to be developed in pupils. What are they?
  2. hearing
  3. speaking
  4. reading
  5. hearing, speaking, auding, writing
  6. reading, auding, listening, speaking
  7. writing, reading, hearing, speaking
  8. pronunciation and translation
  9. learning, oral, retelling


  1. 175. There are three stages in learning a dialogue:
  2. the receptive
  3. the reproductive
  4. the constructive
  5. reproductive, creative and learning
  6. precognitive, receptive and creative
  7. learning, oral, retelling
  8. explanation, precognitive, creative
  9. conscious imitation



  1. 176. Teaching pronunciation and spelling of a word are as follows:
  2. Conscious imitation
  3. Analogy
  4. Transcription
  5. reading, spelling, intonation, analogy
  6. motivation, transcription, reading
  7. analogy, reading, pronunciation
  8. transcription, reading
  9. senior, middle


177.We distinguish stages of teaching FL in schools:

  1. junior
  2. intermediate
  3. senior
  4. senior, middle and beginning
  5. interfacial and senior
  6. junior and interfacial
  7. junior and senior
  8. a means of communication


  1. 178. Psychological component………..
  2. a means of communication in oral (hearing, speaking),
  3. a means of communication in written
  4. a means of communication in reading
  5. language and linguistic material which should be assimilated to be used in language skills
  6. the techniques which pupils should acquire to learn the foreign language in a most effective way
  7. how to learn for themselves
  8. the subject to attain the aims
  9. a flannel board


  1. 179. Non-mechanical aids are:
  2. a blackboard
  3. a flannel board
  4. a magnet board
  5. tape-recorder
  6. pictures
  7. teaching materials
  8. speaking aids
  9. teacher’s books


  1. Mechanical aids are:
  2. a tap recorders
  3. a television and radio equipment
  4. a language laboratory
  5. transformational, practical, common
  6. practical, structural, common
  7. structural, traditional, proper
  8. traditional
  9. materials


  1. 181. Teaching materials are:
  2. Teacher’s books
  3. Pupil’s books
  4. Text books
  5. text books, audio materials
  6. visual materials
  7. audio-visual
  8. teacher’s books, text books
  9. traditional


  1. 182. There are 3 constructed grammars:
  2. traditional
  3. structural
  4. transformational
  5. transformational, practical, common
  6. practical, structural, common
  7. structural, traditional, proper
  8. traditional, common
  9. structural, common


  1. 183. The following forms of extra-curricular work are used at schools
  2. Individual
  3. Group
  4. Mass work
  5. pair work
  6. group work
  7. mass work
  8. individual work
  9. structural, common


  1. 184. There are four ability to train
  2. hearing
  3. speaking
  4. reading (writing)
  5. listening, speaking, retelling and writing
  6. reading, retelling, speaking and hearing
  7. speaking, reading, writing and auding
  8. auding, listening, writing and reading
  9. the stage of teaching



  1. 185. The pronunciation of word is:
  2. sounds
  3. stress
  4. intonation
  5. accent, tune, intonation
  6. vowels consonants, diphthongs
  7. stress, sounds, tune, palatalization
  8. sounds, vowels, consonants, tune
  9. pupils intelligence


  1. 186. Which factors are pedagogical factors
  2. the stage of teaching
  3. the size of the class
  4. the time the qualification of the teacher
  5. pupils age
  6. pupils intelligence
  7. abstract notion, range of meaning in comparison
  8. abstract or concrete notion
  9. speaking


  1. 187. The content of the optional course should be:
  2. hearing,
  3. speaking
  4. writing
  5. reading, hearing
  6. reading and writing
  7. hearing and speaking
  8. writing and speaking
  9. abstract or concrete notion


  1. 188. There are some language activities to be developed in pupils, what are they?
  2. hearing,
  3. speaking,
  4. reading
  5. hearing, speaking, auding, writing
  6. reading, speaking, asking, writing
  7. auding, hearing, speaking, writing
  8. listening, auding, hearing, speaking
  9. self-dictation


  1. 189. Dictation may vary in forms:
  2. the visual dictation
  3. the dictation drill
  4. the self-dictation
  5. dictation drill, self-dictation
  6. self-dictation
  7. visual dictation
  8. dictation drill, visual dictation
  9. spelling


  1. 190. What does written form include?
  2. penmanship
  3. spelling
  4. composition
  5. spelling and writing
  6. retelling and describing
  7. penmanship, composition
  8. spelling, composition
  9. make simple grammar rules


191.There are several contracted grammars:

  1. traditional
  2. structural
  3. transformational
  4. the words in the act of communication
  5. make simple grammar rules
  6. the words and how they are put together in the sentences
  7. structures of various levels of the language
  8. spelling, composition


192.There are stages in learning a dialogue

  1. receptive
  2. reproductive
  3. constructive
  4. understanding, learning, retelling
  5. receptive, constructive, retelling
  6. precognitive, receptive and creative
  7. reproductive, creative, learning
  8. senior, middle, beginning


193.We distinguish stages of teaching FL in schools:

  1. junior
  2. intermediate
  3. senior
  4. senior, middle, beginning
  5. senior, intermediate
  6. intermediate, junior
  7. junior, senior
  8. pictures, exercises


  1. 194. Verbal techniques include following:
  2. context
  3. synonyms
  4. antonyms
  5. pictures, exercises, card
  6. cards, context, pictures
  7. grammar tables
  8. synonyms, antonyms
  9. junior, senior


  1. 195. What are the syllabus requirements for language?
  2. to understand the language spoken
  3. to carry out
  4. to speak
  5. read good and distinctly
  6. write words correctly
  7. understand the language spoken
  8. speak a foreign language
  9. pictures, tables, plan


  1. 196. What are the visual aids included?
  2. maps
  3. picture
  4. photo
  5. maps, key-words, scheme
  6. books, plan, pictures
  7. key-words, plan
  8. pictures, tables, plan
  9. speak a foreign language


  1. 197. What does the teacher’s book include?
  2. introduction
  3. planning
  4. appendix
  5. introduction, conclusion, appendix
  6. literature, list of verbs, vocabulary
  7. introduction, planning, conclusion
  8. vocabulary, literature, introduction
  9. communication, imagination


  1. 198. Types of translation:
  2. the word for word
  3. the free
  4. the literary-artistic
  5. adequate
  6. visual, self-dictation
  7. literary-artistic
  8. free, adequate
  9. literature, list of verbs


  1. Reading develops pupils’………………
  2. intelligent
  3. memory
  4. imagination
  5. to communication
  6. to information
  7. to will, imagination
  8. to communication, imagination
  9. to development of pedagogy


  1. 200. What sciences did bring the changes in grammar-translation method?
  2. the development of pedagogy,
  3. the development of psychology
  4. the development of linguistics
  5. opening of new linguistic centers
  6. development of scholarship
  7. new standards in linguistic science
  8. development of other sciences
  9. F. Grouin, M.Berlitz


  1. 201. The most orthodox advocates of the direct method were …..
  2. F. Grouin,
  3. M.Berlitz,
  4. M. Walter,
  5. F. Grouin, M.Berlitz, M. West
  6. F. Grouin, M.Berlitz, H. Palmer
  7. M.Berlitz, M. Walter, B. Eggert
  8. M. West, H. Palmer
  9. traditional


  1. 202. Name the Palmer’s four
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Advanced

d.1st year English, 2nd year English, 3rd year English, 4th year English

  1. pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced
  2. pre-school English, Secondary English, Graduate English, Business English
  3. all answers are wrong
  4. h) structural


  1. 203. There are 3 constructed grammars:
  2. traditional
  3. structural
  4. transformational
  5. transformational, practical, common

e practical, structural, common

  1. structural, traditional, proper
  2. traditional aim
  3. pupils follow the pattern


  1. 204. There are four ability to train
  2. hearing
  3. speaking
  4. reading (writing)
  5. listening, speaking, retelling and writing
  6. reading, retelling, speaking and hearing
  7. speaking, reading, writing and auding
  8. auding, listening, writing and reading
  9. read by the teacher


  1. 205. instructive reading…………………………
  2. pupils follow the pattern
  3. read by the teacher
  4. read by the speaker
  5. the pupils read the text trying to keep as close to the pattern as possible
  6. the pupils read and he can see his weak points in reading
  7. the teacher-made tests and standardized tests
  8. the read by the teacher or the speaker
  9. the visual perception of letters


  1. 206. The methods of foreign language teaching is closely related…..
  2. pedagogies
  3. psychology
  4. physiology
  5. mathematics, history, biology
  6. history, psychology
  7. linguistics, biology
  8. pedagogies, mathematics
  9. auditory perception of a sound


207.The first habit which is the most important in forming writing

  1. auditory perception of a sound
  2. auditory perception of a word
  3. auditory perception of a phrase
  4. articulation of a sound and pronunciation of a word a phrase, or a sentence by the pupil who writes
  5. visual perception of letters or letter combinations which stand for sounds
  6. the movements of the muscles of the hand in writing
  7. the nerves of the throat and tongue
  8. aims of teaching


  1. The second habit which is the most important in forming writing
  2. articulation of a sound and pronunciation of a word by the pupil who writes
  3. articulation of a sound and pronunciation of a phrase by the pupil who writes
  4. articulation of a sound and pronunciation of a sentence by the pupil who writes
  5. auditory perception of a sound, a word, a phrase, or a sentence
  6. visual perception of letters or letter combinations which stand for sounds
  7. the movements of the muscles of the hand in writing
  8. the nerves of the throat and tongue
  9. techniques of teaching


  1. 209. The main problems:
  2. aims of teaching
  3. content of teaching
  4. techniques of teaching
  5. presentation, practice activities, testing
  6. content of teaching, methods and techniques of teaching
  7. verbalization, autoimmunization, practice
  8. to convey how well the learners know or can do something
  9. the nerves of the throat and tongue


210.There are 3 constructed grammars:

  1. traditional
  2. structural
  3. transformational
  4. transformational, practical, common
  5. practical, structural, common
  6. structural, traditional, proper
  7. traditional word
  8. the movements of the muscles


  1. The first usage of the target language
  2. teacher – pupils communication in the classroom
  3. teacher – pupils communication in the lesson
  4. teacher – pupils communication in the subject
  5. pupils’ communication when talking on a topic under teacher’s supervision
  6. students’ communication when working at a text
  7. communication during out of class activities in the target language
  8. transformational, practical, common
  9. practical, structural, common


  1. The second usage of the target language
  2. pupils’ communication when talking on a topic under teacher’s supervision
  3. pupils’ communication when talking on a text under teacher’s supervision
  4. pupils’ communication when talking on a theme under teacher’s supervision
  5. their’ communication when working at a text
  6. our’ communication during out of class activities in the target language
  7. verbalization, autoimmunization, practice
  8. to convey how well the learners know or can do something
  9. the specific ways of teaching a definite subject


  1. Didactics studies…
  2. the specific ways of teaching a definite subject
  3. the specific ways of teaching a main subject
  4. the specific ways of teaching a teaching subject
  5. fundamental principles of didactics
  6. aims of teaching, content of teaching
  7. reading and writing and the memorization of vocabulary
  8. to involve students in a varied use of language
  9. pupils’ communication when talking on a theme under


  1. The third usage of the target language
  2. pupils’ communication when working at a text
  3. pupils’ conversation when working at a text
  4. pupils’ speaking when working at a text
  5. a content of teaching, methods and techniques of teaching
  6. a our communication during out of class activities in the target language
  7. a teacher – pupils communication in the classroom
  8. a their’ communication when talking on a topic under teacher’s supervision
  9. a linguistic material for auding


  1. The fourth usage of the target language
  2. pupils’ communication during out of class activities in the target language
  3. students’ communication during out of class activities in the main language
  4. pupils’ conversation during out of class activities in the one language
  5. a teacher – pupils communication in the classroom
  6. a his’ communication when talking on a topic under teacher’s supervision
  7. a involvement students in a varied use of language
  8. a linguistic letters for auding
  9. a conditions in which the material is presented


  1. The first factor in developing pupils’ skills in auding:
  2. linguistic material for auding
  3. linguistic words for auding
  4. linguistic letters for auding
  5. the content of the suggested for listening and comprehension
  6. conditions in which the material is presented
  7. verbalization, autoimmunization, practice
  8. phonetic system of FL includes
  9. the content of the suggested texts


  1. The second factor in developing pupils’ skills in auding:
  2. the content of the suggested texts for listening and comprehension
  3. the content of the texts for learning and comprehension
  4. the texts for words and comprehension
  5. result of oft-repeated action
  6. conditions in which the material is presented
  7. drill should be constant and accurate
  8. presentation, practice activities, testing
  9. verbalization, autoimmunization


  1. The third factor in developing pupils’ skills in auding:
  2. conditions in which the material is presented
  3. conditions in which the material is prepared
  4. conditions in which the material is existed
  5. verbalization, autoimmunization, practice
  6. content of the suggested for listening and comprehension
  7. the content of the suggested for listening and comprehension
  8. logical, special, linguistic
  9. a main study of the ways foreign languages


  1. The first definite way of investigating the problems in MFL:
  2. a critical study of the ways foreign languages were taught in our country and abroad
  3. a main study of the ways foreign languages were taught in our country and abroad
  4. a value study of the ways foreign languages were taught in our country and abroad
  5. through study and summing up of the experience of the best foreign language teachers in different types of schools
  6. experimenting with the aim of confirming or refuting the working hypotheses that may arise during the investigation
  7. the best foreign language teachers in different types of schools
  8. the working hypotheses that may arise during the investigation
  9. experimenting with the aim of confirming


  1. The second definite way of investigating the problems in MFL:
  2. through summing up of the experience of the best foreign language teachers in different types of schools
  3. summing up of the examination of the foreign language teachers
  4. through the research of foreign language teachers in different types of schools
  5. a critical study of the ways foreign languages were taught in our country and abroad
    e. a best foreign language teachers in different types of schools
  6. a best foreign language teachers in different types of schools
  7. a working hypotheses that may arise during the investigation
  8. a experimenting with the aim of confirming


  1. The third definite way of investigating the problems in MFL:
  2. experimenting with the aim of confirming the working hypotheses that may arise during the investigation
  3. experimenting with the aim of confirming the working hypotheses
  4. experimenting with the purpose of confirming the working hypotheses that may arise during the investigation
  5. the aim of refuting the working hypotheses that may arise during the investigation
  6. the aim of confirming or refuting the working hypotheses that may arise during the investigation
  7. a critical study of the ways foreign languages were taught in our country and abroad
  8. pupils’ communication during out of class activities in the target language
  9. our’ communication when talking on a topic under teacher’s supervision


  1. Reproduction exercises are given:
  2. for developing pupil’s pronunciation habits
  3. for improving pupil’s pronunciation habits
  4. for supporting pupil’s pronunciation habits
  5. developing pupil’s speaking habits
  6. developing pupil’s habits
  7. the result of oft-repeated action
  8. presentation, practice activities, testing
  9. giving feedback, home task, organization


223.The first possible way which the material pupils get for reproduction:

  1. the through auditory perception
  2. the through auditory apprehension
  3. the through auditory receptive
  4. through auditory perception reinforced by visual perception over of a sound
  5. verbalization, autoimmunization, practice
  6. giving feedback, home task, organization
  7. for developing pupil’s pronunciation habits
  8. imitating the pronunciation of the teacher


  1. Pupils learn to pronounce a new language by………….
  2. the imitating the pronunciation of the teacher
  3. the imitating of the teacher’s pronunciation
  4. the imitating the pronounce of the teacher
  5. presentation, practice activities, testing
  6. giving feedback, home task, organization
  7. result of oft-repeated action
  8. content of teaching, methods and techniques of teaching
  9. to determine the cases where conscious manipulation of the speech organs is required


  1. The first methodological problem in teaching pronunciation………….
  2. to determine the cases where conscious manipulation of the speech organs is required
  3. to define the cases where conscious manipulation of the speech organs is required
  4. to form the cases where conscious manipulation of the speech organs is required
  5. decide on types the exercises and techniques of using them
  6. through auditory perception reinforced by visual perception over of a sound
  7. for developing pupil’s pronunciation habits
  8. the result of oft-repeated action
  9. through auditory perception reinforced by visual perception


  1. The second methodological problem in teaching pronunciation………….
  2. to decide on using the types the exercises and techniques
  3. to decide on using the types the exercises
  4. to decide on using the types the techniques
  5. determine the cases where conscious manipulation of the speech organs is required
  6. through auditory perception reinforced by visual perception over of a sound
  7. the drill should be constant and accurate
  8. receptive, reproductive and constructive
  9. or developing pupil’s speaking habits


227.Graphemic-phonemic exercises help the pupils………….

  1. to assimilate graphemic-phonemic correspondence in the English language
  2. to assimilate graphemic-phonemic conformity in the English language.
  3. to assimilate graphemic-phonemic likeness in the English language
  4. carry out lexical and grammar analysis, to find the logical subject and predicate in the sentences
  5. semantic communicative exercises
  6. find the logical subject and predicate in the sentences
  7. through auditory perception reinforced by visual perception over of a sound
  8. linguistic material for auding


  1. Semantic communicative exercises help the pupils…………..
  2. to get information from the text
  3. to take information from the text
  4. to learn information from the text
  5. drill should be constant and accurate
  6. imitating the pronunciation of the teacher
  7. involve students in a varied use of language

g improve writing skills

h the result of oft-repeated action


  1. Habit is…
  2. the result of oft-repeated action
  3. the result of repeated action
  4. the result of many-repeated action
  5. drill should be constant and accurate
  6. logical, special, linguistic
  7. content of teaching, methods and techniques of teaching
  8. presentation, practice activities, testing
  9. strategy of teaching


230.Skill is…………….

  1. the ability to do something well
  2. the man’s ability to do something well
  3. the pupil’s ability to do something well
  4. result of oft-repeated action
  5. verbalization, autoimmunization, practice
  6. org. moment, new theme, feedback
  7. special, methodological, historical
  8. doctor, driver, minor


  1. What does grammar study?
  2. the relationship between words
  3. the relationship between each words
  4. the relationship between every words
  5. vocabulary
  6. sound, diphthongs
  7. noun, verbs, adjectives
  8. pronunciation, spelling
  9. doctor, driver, minor


232.The main aim of stage of practice activities

  1. to involve speaking skills and habits
  2. to include speaking skills
  3. to involve speaking habits
  4. involve conversational skills and habits
  5. phonetic system of FL includes
  6. improve and consolidate four skills
  7. convey and to control knowledge
  8. explain types of teaching


233.Testing and its main aim

  1. to convey how well the learners know or can do something
  2. to convey how good the learners know or can do something
  3. to convey how learnt the learners know or can do something
  4. improve speaking skills
  5. develop reading skills
  6. improve and consolidate reading
  7. improve writing skills
  8. college, cook, catch


  1. Exercises for assimilation of vocabulary can be divided into:
  2. the recognition
  3. the reproductive exercises
  4. the recognition and reproductive exercises
  5. oral and written exercises
  6. speech and phone drills
  7. grammar and phonetic exercises
  8. oral, speech, phonetics exercises
  9. improve and consolidate reading


  1. Speech may be:
  2. the prepared
  3. the unprepared
  4. the prepared and unprepared
  5. oral and written
  6. prepared and written
  7. monologue
  8. dialogue

h improve writing skills


  1. There are two ways of conveying the meaning of words:
  2. direct way
  3. translation
  4. direct way and translation
  5. a presentation and translation
  6. a pronunciation and translation
  7. a writing and reading
  8. a translation and writing
  9. to involve conversational skills and habits


237.The teacher must have plans:

  1. a unit plan,
  2. a daily plan
  3. a unit plan, a daily plan
  4. the syllabus, curriculum
  5. the unit work

f the pronunciation and translation

  1. the writing and reading
  2. the translation and writing


  1. The translation may be:
  2. written
  3. oral
  4. written and oral
  5. the oral and literary
  6. the free and oral
  7. the literary and free
  8. the written and literary
  9. to improve speaking skills


  1. At present the following tests are available
  2. teacher-made tests
  3. standardized tests
  4. teacher-made tests and standardized tests
  5. to delayed testing
  6. to find testing
  7. to regular testing
  8. to oral and written tests

h to relationship between every words


  1. Which is the most effective tests?
  2. teacher made tests
  3. teacher own tests
  4. teacher made up tests
  5. to immediate testing
  6. to contemporary
  7. to final testing
  8. to delayed testing

h to reading the home reading text


  1. Which is the most effective method in teaching language?
  2. contemporary
  3. contemporary way
  4. contemporary method
  5. the grammar translation
  6. the contemporary rule
  7. the direct
  8. the traditional
  9. to correct pupils mistakes


  1. What do tests allow the teacher to do?
  2. to evaluate pupils achievement
  3. to improve pupils achievement
  4. to value pupils achievement
  5. improve his pronunciation
  6. assegai marks
  7. correct pupils mistakes
  8. control their knowledge

h teacher-made tests and standardized tests


  1. The method which develops the child’s mind and language
  2. learning by heart
  3. learning the words by heart
  4. learning the poem by heart
  5. the teaching
  6. an reading
  7. a education
  8. to playing

h an the relationship between every words


  1. The teacher uses various techniques for the purpose
  2. visual
  3. verbal
  4. visual and verbal
  5. the tape-recorder
  6. to pictures
  7. a teaching materials
  8. an teaching aids

h the objects and pictures


  1. Visual techniques include:
  2. objects
  3. pictures
  4. objects and pictures
  5. an synonym, antonyms
  6. a context word-building elements
  7. to cards, context
  8. to exercises from books

h the relationship between every words


  1. Translation as a means of conveying the meaning may be used in two ways
  2. translation proper
  3. translation-interpretation
  4. translation proper and translation-interpretation
  5. the oral translation
  6. the free translation
  7. to written translation
  8. the grammar translation

f the independent work at home

  1. the home work at home
  2. the independent task at home


  1. The work which is done during the lesson should prepare pupils for: a. independent work at home
  2. home work at home
  3. independent task at home
  4. the retelling the text
  5. the reading the home reading text
  6. the doing grammar exercises
  7. the written task
  8. the presentation


  1. There are two stages in teaching vocabulary:
  2. presentation
  3. consolidation
  4. presentation and consolidation
  5. the assimilation
  6. the translation
  7. the introducing
  8. the repetition
  9. the vocabulary


  1. Linguistic component……………
  2. language material which should be assimilated to be used in language skills
  3. linguistic material which must be assimilated to be used in language skills
  4. language and linguistic material which should be assimilated to be used in language skills
  5. the subject to attain the aims
  6. a reading the home reading text
  7. a means of communication in oral (hearing, speaking), written, reading
  8. the techniques which pupils should acquire to learn the foreign language in a most effective way
  9. to relationship between every words


  1. 250. Methodological component…………………….
  2. the techniques which pupils should acquire to learn the foreign language
  3. the techniques which pupils must acquire to learn the foreign language in a most effective way
  4. the techniques which students should acquire to learn the foreign language in a most effective way
  5. a means of communication in oral (hearing, speaking), written, reading
  6. an reading the home reading text
  7. how to learn for themselves
  8. the subject to attain the aims
  9. a morphology and syntax


  1. There are two ways of reading.
  2. aloud
  3. silently
  4. aloud and silently
  5. an aloud and complete
  6. no silent and written
  7. the aloud and orally
  8. a clear reading
  9. to involve students in a varied use of language


  1. Speaking exists in forms:

a dialogue and monologue

b monologue

c dialogue

d no explanation

e no composition

f for developing pupil’s pronunciation habits

  1. imitating the pronunciation of the teacher
  2. presentation, practice activities, testing


253.What is the most important part of the work during the lesson?

a speaking

b reading

c hearing

d a retelling

e no writing

f for developing pupil’s speaking habits

  1. for developing pupil’s habits
  2. the result of oft-repeated action


  1. What is the traditional grammar studied?
  2. morphology
  3. syntax
  4. morphology and syntax
  5. transformational rules
  6. basic structures
  7. levels
  8. structures
  9. for developing pupil’s pronunciation habits


  1. What is the transformational grammar studied?

a transformational rules

  1. transformational main rules
  2. transformational each rules
  3. morphology
  4. structures
  5. syntax
  6. morpheme and syntactic levels
  7. involve students in a varied use of language


256.What is the aim of the foreign language lesson in primary schools?

  1. to develop pupil skills in understanding and participating in conversation
  2. to develop pupil skills in understanding and participating in conversation to
  3. develop pupil skills in understanding and participating in conversation
  4. to develop writing skills
  5. to develop reading skills and habits
  6. to improve speaking skills
  7. to participate in conversation
  8. for developing pupil’s speaking habits


  1. Extra-curricular work helps the teacher in language:

a to promote greater interest in learning

b to develop speaking skills

c to improve their pronunciation

d improve reading

e develop pupils ability to speak

  1. for developing pupil’s pronunciation habits
  2. imitating the pronunciation of the teacher
  3. presentation, practice activities, testing


  1. The translation may be applied in its two various
  2. the common
  3. the translation-interpretation
  4. the common and translation-interpretation
  5. common and proper translation
  6. word for word-translation, literary
  7. free translation
  8. literary and the translation
  9. conditions in which the material is prepared


  1. Which factors are psychological factors:
  2. the pupils age
  3. the pupil intelligence
  4. the pupils age, pupil intelligence
  5. concrete notion, the size of the closes
  6. pupils age, the stage of teaching, abstract notion
  7. abstract or concrete notions, range of meaning in compassion
  8. the stage of teaching the size of the class, the time to learn the qualification of h. the teacher


  1. Which factors are linguistic factors
  2. the abstract on concrete notions
  3. the range of meaning in comparison
  4. the abstract on concrete notions, range of meaning in comparison
  5. size of the class
  6. stage of teaching
  7. pupils intelligence
  8. pupils age
  9. involve students in a varied use of language


261.The work which is done during lesson should prepare pupils for:

  1. to independent work at home
  2. to do the work at home
  3. to do their own independent work at home
  4. retelling the text
  5. doing grammar exercises
  6. reading home reading texts
  7. written tasks
  8. for developing pupil’s speaking habits


  1. Traditional grammar studies…………….
  2. the words and how they are put together in the sentences
  3. the words and in what way they are put together in the sentences
  4. the words and their way they are put together in the sentences
  5. develop pupils skills in understanding and participating in conversation
  6. words in the act of communication
  7. improve speaking skills
  8. make simple grammar rules
  9. conditions in which the material is prepared


  1. Structural grammar studies…………………….

a structures of various levels of the language

  1. structures of every levels of the language
  2. structures of each levels of the language

d to improve speaking skills

  1. traditional, structural, transformational grammars

f the words and how they are put together in the sentences

  1. to develop writing skills
  2. lunch


  1. Transformational grammar studies………………………
  2. basic structures
  3. transformations rules
  4. basic structures and transformations rules
  5. the words in the act of communication
  6. the participate in conversation
  7. the receptive, reproductive, constructive
  8. the reproductive, creative, learning
  9. the involve students in a varied use of language


  1. What is the aim of the foreign language lessons in primary schools?
  2. to develop pupils skills in understanding
  3. to participating in conversation
  4. to develop pupils skills in understanding and participating in conversation
  5. participate in conversation
  6. to develop reading skills and habits
  7. to develop writing skills
  8. to improve speaking skills
  9. lunch


  1. What does a free dialogue include?
  2. interview, talk
  3. talk
  4. interview
  5. to models
  6. to patterns
  7. to situation
  8. to talk
  9. to develop writing skills


  1. What is the lesson?
  2. a part of teaching process
  3. a part of studying process
  4. a part of pupil’s teaching process
  5. connection between T-P
  6. teacher, pupils
  7. pictures, exercises, card
  8. models
  9. patterns
  10. situation


  1. What does a standard-dialogue include?
  2. modal
  3. patterns
  4. modal, patterns
  5. the interview
  6. the talk
  7. the discussion
  8. the question-response
  9. the teaching process


  1. Exercises for assimilation of vocabulary can be divided into:
  2. a speech exercises
  3. a recognition exercises
  4. a speech and recognition exercises
  5. recognition, reproductive exercises
  6. reproductive, oral exercises
  7. discussion
  8. question-response
  9. teaching process


270.There are ways of conveying the meaning of words:

  1. direct way
  2. translation
  3. direct way, translation
  4. a presentation, way
  5. a translation, reading
  6. a pronunciation, writing
  7. a writing, translation
  8. a teaching process


  1. Which of these are situational?
  2. a poliologue
  3. a dialogue
  4. a dialogue, poliologue
  5. monologue
  6. connection between
  7. dialogue act
  8. poliologue act
  9. monologue and dialogue


272.What are verbal aids included?

  1. key-words
  2. plan
  3. key-words, plan
  4. a maps, pictures
  5. a books, maps
  6. a pictures, tables
  7. a plan, maps
  8. a dialogue act


  1. What is a dictation drill?
  2. when the teacher dictates
  3. when the pupils’ teacher dictates
  4. when the school teacher dictates
  5. the pupil writes from memory
  6. the pupil dictate to themselves
  7. write from text
  8. they copy from the blackboard
  9. a plan, maps


274.What do we mean by translation?

  1. the transmission of a thought expressed in one language by means of another language
  2. the translation of a thought expressed in one language by means of another language
  3. the thought expressed in one language by means of another language
  4. a thought expressed in Kazakh by means of English
  5. a thought expressed in native language by means of a foreign language
  6. thought expressed in English by means of Kazakh
  7. teaching process
  8. connection between T-P
  9. teacher, pupils
  10. maps, pictures


275.How much time is given for reading in the junior stages?

  1. 7-12 min
  2. 8-12 min
  3. 9-12 min
  4. 15-20 min
  5. 3-5 min
  6. 3-8 min
  7. 3-10 min
  8. 6-7 min


276.How much time is given for oral practice in the 5 th form?

a.30-35 min

b.31-35 min

c.32-35 min

d.8-10 min

e.1-2 min

f.10-15 min

g.2-3 min

  1. 3-4 min


  1. What kind of subjects does the curriculum include?
  2. compulsory
  3. optional
  4. compulsory and optional
  5. a compulsory
  6. a optional
  7. the optional, technical
  8. a compulsory, technical
  9. a explanation, repetition


278.Productive exercises are;

  1. explanation
  2. repetition
  3. explanation, repetition
  4. a general, alternation
  5. a special, paraphrasing, completing
  6. the repetition exercises
  7. the match exercises
  8. greeting and a brief talk


  1. Every lesson should begin with
  2. a greeting
  3. a brief talk
  4. a greeting and a brief talk
  5. checking the home task
  6. presentation the new materials
  7. phone drills
  8. speech exercises
  9. the repetition exercises


  1. The grammar – translation method was widely used….
  2. in teaching the classics
  3. in teaching namely Latin
  4. in teaching the classics, namely Latin
  5. teaching Portugal
  6. special language universities
  7. lexicology and stylistic
  8. learning Romano- German language groups
  9. transcription types of words


  1. In teaching a foreign language by means of the grammar – translation method the attention was paid to….
  2. the assimilation of grammar rules
  3. the assimilation of main grammar rules
  4. the assimilation of the all grammar rules
  5. transcription types of words
  6. to the style of context
  7. a meaning of sentence
  8. to the grammar rules of other language
  9. insistence upon grammatical analysis


  1. What is the main distinguishing features of grammar-translation method?
  2. insistence upon grammatical analysis
  3. persistence upon grammatical analysis
  4. insistence on the all grammatical analysis
  5. a translating way
  6. the grammatical construction of a word
  7. the using of methods
  8. a determination of method
  9. to start with a sentence


  1. What is the best way to say a sentence in a foreign language according to the grammar-translation method?
  2. to start with a sentence in the mother tongue
  3. to begin a sentence in the mother tongue
  4. to say a sentence in the mother tongue
  5. understand the meaning of the word in foreign language
  6. the out the several translations of each word
  7. compare with native language
  8. find the synonyms of words
  9. mastery of the graphic skills


  1. Secondary objectives of grammar-translation method are:
  2. reading
  3. writing
  4. reading and writing
  5. a mastery of the graphic skills
  6. the oral translation
  7. a writing translation
  8. the mastery of oral communication
  9. compare with native language


  1. What forms can takelanguage performance in the classroom?
  2. reading with various exercises
  3. translation with various exercises
  4. reading and translation with various exercises
  5. to read and analyzing
  6. to read and retelling
  7. to read and spelling
  8. to read and repeating
  9. the practical direction


  1. The third feature of direct method
  2. restricted application
  3. very often complete elimination
  4. restricted application or very often complete elimination
  5. the ignoring of the existence of the mother tongue
  6. the practical direction
  7. a direct translation
  8. a translation in mother tongue then speaking
  9. to non-translation and natural


  1. Name the two methods of teaching foreign languages
  2. non-translation
  3. natural
  4. non-translation and natural
  5. an natural and direct method
  6. an grammatical and phonetically
  7. an non-translation and direct method
  8. an grammar-translation and non-translation
  9. to teach reading


  1. M. West method is….
  2. to teach reading
  3. to teach all way of reading
  4. to teach reading rule
  5. a teach writing
  6. a teach understanding
  7. the teach translating
  8. an teach reception
  9. Pronunciation of sound


  1. What is Parrot work?
  2. the students repeat a certain speech units after teacher
  3. the pupil repeat a certain speech units after teacher
  4. the all students repeat a certain speech units after teacher
  5. The students work in pairs
  6. Pronunciation of sound
  7. Doing oral exercises
  8. Word for word translation
  9. The teach translating


290.What is the traditional method?

  1. the method which have their origin in the grammar-translation method
  2. the main method which have their origin in the grammar-translation method
  3. the all method which have their origin in the grammar-translation method
  4. teaching a foreign language without the use of translation
  5. teaching in mother tongue
  6. teaching the native language
  7. teaching with vocabulary
  8. Word for word translation


  1. What is audio-lingual method?
  2. the method which includes the teaching using audio-texts and conversations
  3. the main method which includes the teaching conversations
  4. the all method which includes the teaching using audio-texts and conversations
  5. which have their origin in the grammar-translation method
  6. teaching a foreign language without the use of translation
  7. the teaching in mother tongue
  8. teaching the native language
  9. conditions in which the material is prepared


  1. How is the traditional approach to foreign language teaching characterized?
  2. the use of native language for explanation
  3. the usage of native language for explanation
  4. the main use of native language for explanation
  5. teaching a foreign language without the use of translation
  6. teaching in mother tongue
  7. teaching the native language

g teaching with vocabulary

h the effective using


  1. The main feature of contemporary method is ….

a the development of audio-lingual skill

  1. the improving of audio-lingual skill
  2. the superiority of audio-lingual skill
  3. an rationalization of study material
  4. a education of teachers
  5. to using explanatory vocabulary
  6. to effective using of any method

h teaching the native language


  1. What is “real-life”?
  2. communication situations for stimulating the student’s language activity
  3. speaking situations for stimulating the student’s language activity
  4. conversation situations for stimulating the student’s language activity
  5. to make up a dialogues on different situations
  6. the use of native language for explanation
  7. a teaching a foreign language without the use of translation
  8. a teaching in mother tongue
  9. to using explanatory vocabulary


  1. The translation may be:

a written

  1. oral
  2. written and oral

d an oral and literary

e the free and oral

f the literary and free

g to written and literary

  1. a teaching in mother tongue


  1. At present the following tests are available
  2. teacher-made tests
  3. standardized tests
  4. teacher-made tests and standardized tests
  5. the delayed testing
  6. a find testing
  7. to regular testing
  8. the oral and written tests
  9. a verbalization, autoimmunization, practice


  1. Which is the most effective tests?
  2. teacher’s own made tests
  3. teacher made tests
  4. pupil’s teacher made tests
  5. an immediate testing
  6. a contemporary
  7. the final testing
  8. a delayed testing
  9. to regular testing


  1. Which is the most effective method in teaching language?

a contemporary

  1. contemporary method
  2. all contemporary method
  3. a grammar translation
  4. the contemporary
  5. an direct
  6. the traditional
  7. final testing


  1. The main leading person at the lesson is:

a a teacher

  1. a pupil’s teacher
  2. a teacher of the school
  3. librarian
  4. director

f pupil

g pupils and teachers

  1. if the teacher doesn’t listen


  1. The answer which is not given any mark

a if the friend helps

  1. if the all friend helps
  2. if the friend helps to the pupil


  1. the teacher doesn’t listen
  2. the pupils speak shortly
  3. a pupil speak much
  4. a pupil doesn’t wont it
  5. pupils and teachers